
We serve accounting firms large and small. Whether you require year-end shredding or weekly service, just contact our knowledgeable staff for the best recommendation on the destruction of accounting records.


ShredPro helps municipal, state and federal agencies with privacy compliance by securely destroying sensitive paper records in accordance with procedures outlined by the National Association for Information Destruction.


Despite efforts to go digital, the Ohio healthcare industry still generates confidential paperwork every day.  Stay in compliance with HIPAA regulations with a shredding plan by ShredPro.


Insurance brokers in Cleveland generate sensitive paper files on a daily basis.  ShredPro ensures your compliance with state privacy laws by destroying your old files on a regular basis.


It is imperative that closed legal matters be destroyed when no longer needed.  Also, day-to-day paperwork needs to be collected in our secure shredding containers and destroyed on a regular basis.


Manufacturing facilities generate sensitive documents ranging from quality assurance, client files, and accounting documents.  Anything with customer information should be handled securely and disposed of properly when no longer needed.

Real Estate

The Cleveland real estate industry is well known for leaving a long paper trail.  Any personally identifiable information can be a gold mine for identity thieves. Don’t expose yourself to liability, be sure to confidentially shred all unneeded paper files.

Residential Clients

Yes, we service the residential market.  If you have old tax returns, bills, prescription slips, they should be securely destroyed.  Anything with your name, address, phone number, or any identifiable information needs to be shredded.  Don’t risk throwing it in the trash!

We are ready to serve our document shredding clients with industry leading customer service.

Start Shredding Now